Professional background:
Self-taught, he started to paint very young, inspired by the great Masters like Renoir, Monet and other impressionists. During an exhibition at Beaubourg, he discovered the works of Salvador Dali with fascination. From then on, it was a revelation: "the magic of a Master's canvas seen through the eyes of a child". Overwhelmed, he took up his brushes again and never stopped painting.

Artistic approach:
"A flight from reality through the power of detail and the dreamlike magic of the atmosphere". P. GUYOMARCH
His goal: to make people dream and his desire to share his imaginary vision has long been a necessity. So, he takes us on a journey through unusual landscapes, often littered with books. He also likes to visit "still life" in his own way, transforming pebbles into mushrooms or other fantasies.
He admits to being inibiated by all the possibilities by oil painting offers through numerous layers of glazes and the effects that he creates with all sorts of objects and instruments that fall into his hands to satisfy his insatiable taste for the beautiful image that he says is between the imaginary and trompe-l'oeil. The image drinker that you are will be able to come and drink to the full because he does not forget that artists live through the eyes of those who like to enter their world and without whom they have no reason to exist...
Recent exhibitions:
- 2022 - L'USINE à ZABU with the collective ArtPAIR International - guest of honour at Lonzac and in Maintenon - exhibition in Thionville and Metz.
- 2021 - Vouvant and La Gacilly with the collective Art'PAIR International
- 2019 to 2022 - Magical Dream - Poland - Germany and Austria with the ARTBATOR Gallery
- 2018 - at the 13th edition of SAFADORE in Mont Dore in Auvergne
- 2015 to 2023 - Salon Comparaison - ART CAPITAL - Grand Palais - PARIS.
- 2014 - Salon des Artistes Français - Grand Palais - PARIS.