François JOLY

François JOLY

Professional background:

François Joly, self-taught, born in 1961, is a visionary painter. He has been a professional artist since 1991. His realistic-fantasy style leads us on symbolist, mystical, surrealist and fairy-tale paths. In 2003 he opened his studio-gallery in Evreux to the public. Present in many major exhibitions, private and public collections. Member of the Taylor Foundation.

Artistic approach:

François Joly's visionary universe invites us to rediscover forgotten tales, lost legends, disappeared memories. It tells us about a timeless universe, beyond worlds, beyond the visible. In his paintings, the eye wanders and gets lost and one is quickly surprised to be inventing a story, so begins the journey... A game of perspectives between worlds, where reality and illusion intimately embrace each other. He reinvents and dreams landscapes, half-fantastic, half-familiar worlds, rich in details and symbols.

Recent exhibitions:

  • Galerie Rollin ROUEN - Comparaisons Grand Palais PARIS
  • Léopold Sédar Senghor Cultural Centre PORT EN BESSIN-HUPPAIN
  • Maison des Arts CONCHES EN OUCHE - Château de Grouch - OSNY
  • Salon of European Fantasy Artists MONT DORE
  • Cultural Centre of the Ukrainian Embassy PARIS
  • Cultural Centre "L'Usine à Zabu" EURE
  • Chimeria - International Fantasy Fair SEDAN

The artist's works are available in the gallery:

Inne produkty dotyczące artysty:


Phone.: +48 693 366 096




Henryków Lubański 370, 59-800 Lubań, Poland

We make the beauty of art knock on your door, enter beautifully received and make itself comfortable for years on your wall.

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