Professional background:
Graduated at the Ecole Supérieure d'Arts Graphiques Estienne in Paris, I dedicate myself to image design: Artistic Director in the world of communication will allow me to go further and further in creativity from a blank sheet of paper. At the same time, I work on the evolution of my painting. Registered at the Maison des Artistes in Paris since 1976.

Artistic approach:
DAN JACOBSON AND MAXIREALISM - When the possible becomes real.
It is an imaginary realist movement, a shift in relation to present, past or future time between two worlds that come together, creating a plausible virtuality. Physically everything is possible, concretely the dream prevails over reality. Maxirealism moves away from photographic realism, it is not static but scenic, intimate or humorous.
Dan Jacobson created this movement at the Salon Comparaisons (Grand Palais in Paris) in 1995.
Excerpt from Arts Actualités Magazine by Harry Kampianne:
"His paintings express the possibility of the meeting of two completely opposite worlds, which can only be united by the power of dreams and perception. The right to dream becomes reality. The standards of the reasonable are modified in favour of the unthinkable. Through his paintings and watercolours, Dan Jacobson leads us to other dimensions parallel to our present. Sometimes they amount to teleportation of the elemental. But they can also turn into a confrontation between two eras. Of course, the impossible only becomes possible when there are no longer any barriers. And that barrier is time. The artist gives us the key through the imagination, which is more than reality. And this is Dan Jacobson's 'Paris'.
Recent exhibitions:
- 2024 - "Imagine the Olympic Games in Paris" exhibition Galerie d'Arts du Vexin in Vigny (Val d'Oise)
- 2023 - Leader of the MAXIREALISTS Comparisons exhibition GRAND PALAIS EPHEMERE PARIS
- 2022 – Gość honorowy „Miasta Sztuki Senlis” – Ewolucja 60 lat malarstwa – w swojej wiosce MONTSOULT (Val d’Oise)
- 2019/2020 – Muzeum Louisa Senlecqa – L’Isle Adam „IMAGINE LE VAL D’OISE” – 4000 zwiedzających – 40 oficjalnych zamówień z różnych miast.
- 2019 – wystawa „Imagine the Sea and the Mountain” (publikacja jego 4. książki) – Galeria Sztuki Vexin w Vigny (Val d’Oise)