Professional background:
Trained as a graphic designer, he was the Artistic Press Director for 25 years for large French and Anglo-Saxon publishing groups. Member of the Board of Directors of the Société Nationale des Beaux Arts and of the Art'PAIR International group, affiliated to the Maison des Artistes for twenty-two years. Silver medallist of the academic society Arts, Sciences, Letters, independent since 2000, he alternates graphic design work and creation of pictorial works.
Artistic approach:
In an assumed realistic, visionary, "surrealist" style, Patrice Servage approaches his creation as a "writing", a pictorial manifesto against the drifts of his time. He defines himself as a "pamphleteer painter". He draws his inspiration from current events, taking a critical look at the abuses of the blindly liberal international financial system and the ambiguities of a globalized society, overtaken by the lightning speed of technological change, digital technology and their societal consequences. Concerned about the future of the planet and of humanity, the artist sprinkles his works with humour to strike a chord.
Recent exhibitions:
- 2022 : Exhibition of the group Art PAIR international at the Usine à Zabu - Saint-Germain des Angles, France - 27930
- 2022 and 2019 : ART EN CAPITAL, Salon Comparaison Groupe des " Maxiréalistes " Grand-Palais, PARIS
- 2022 / 2011 : Salon de l'Académie Européenne des Arts, Galerie Nesle, PARIS
- 2022 / 2016 : Salon de Taverny, France - 95150
- 2019 / 2011 : International Exhibition of the SOCIÉTÉ NATIONALE DES BEAUX ARTS, Carrousel du Louvre, PARIS
- 2019 / 2016 : Salon ART 19, Mairie du 19ème, PARIS
- 2019 : Salon international de Zilisheim, France - 68720
- 2018 / 2012 : International exhibition of Puy-en-Velay, France - 43000
- 2017 / 2013 : ART EN CAPITAL, Salon des ARTISTES FRANÇAIS, Grand-Palais, PARIS
- 2016 / 2014 : SALON D'AUTOMNE, Champs Elysées PARIS