Professional background:
After studying Greco-Latin Classics, studied Plastic Arts at the Institut Terre-Neuve in Brussels and trained in Positive Aesthetics and then taught Plastic Arts in a secondary school arts section. Retired in 2003, he is now almost exclusively devoted to painting and has organized “Faerie Biennial” in Arlon.

Artistic approach:
His painting is to be situated in the current of Fantastic Realism, orientated towards Symbolism. Many paintings are "improvisations” : the idea is built up during the work process. The oil painting technic best serves the requirements of this style of expression.
Recent exhibitions:
- BIFF - Palais des Beaux-Arts - BRUXELLES
- Métamorphoz - AMIENS
- Exhibition Collectif PAIR - RHEINHAUSEN
- Galerie Callas - BREMEN
- Salon d’Automne - LUNEVILLE
- Co-curator of the Salon SAFADORE with Bruno Altmayer - MONT-DORE
- Chiméria - SEDAN
- Exhibition at the Ancien Palais de Justice - ARLON
- Regards sur les Arts - LAMBALLE
- ART EN CAPITAL - Grand Palais - PARIS
- Cheval Blanc Gallery - VIRTON