Professional background:
He grew up in an artistic environment. His mother is an artist painter, currently living in Ethiopia, where she creates contemporary sacred painting inspired by the Coptic icon. Father, Andrzej Kołpanowicz, was also a painter, one of the precursors of the Polish school of fantastic realism, and at the same time the first and most important teacher and master of Marcin. Under his supervision, the future artist from an early age learned painting and perfected his creative workshop. In 1982, Marcin Kołpanowicz began his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts. Jan Matejko in Krakow, but even then he was a formed artist, consciously choosing the exploration of imagination as the main inspiration of his work. Many of the paintings created at that time initiated painting cycles that continue to this day. In 1987, he defended his diploma in painting, since then he has organized over 30 individual exhibitions in Poland, Germany, France, Austria and the USA and has participated in many group exhibitions, including the most important international shows of fantastic realism and the Paris Salon in 2017 His works decorate many collections in Poland, as well as in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, France and the USA.
Kołpanowicz's paintings "played" in the TVP series Siedlisko, dir. Janusz Majewski (actress Anna Dymna painted Kołpanowicz's "flying locomotive"), appeared on the covers of books (e.g. "The Chalice" by Waldemar Łysiak, "Parisian Brulion" by Arkadiusz Pacholski, "Festung Europa" by Monika Bartoszewicz, "Znak Love" by Marek Sołtysik, "Notes and Dreams" by Elżbieta Zechenter-Spławińska and numerous volumes of poetry). Kołpanowicz's paintings were also included in middle school and high school textbooks, used for matura exam questions in 2018, and published on posters at the University of California at Berkeley. Kołpanowicz designed a number of posters, including to Chopin concerts in Antonin, jazz concerts in Kalisz and Star Jazz Festival 2018 in Hamburg. The artist realized the Stations of the Cross in the church of St. Catherine of Alexandria in Tenczynek near Krakow, the beatification image of Sister Marta Wiecka in Śniatyń (Ukraine), and the altar image and fresco in the Center of St. John Paul II "Do not be afraid" in Krakow-Łagiewniki. Since 2008, Kołpanowicz has been in the top 50 of the best Polish painters in the "Art Compass" ranking published by the "Rzeczpospolita" daily. In 2000, he received an honorable mention at the Pastel Biennale in Nowy Sącz, and in 2003, the Audience Award at the Biennale of Illustrations in Bratislava. In 2019, he was awarded an honorary badge "Meritorious for Polish Culture", in 2020 the Order of St. Stanisław and the Medal of the Year of St. John Paul.
In addition to painting, Marcin Kołpanowicz is also involved in literary and journalistic activity: since 2012, he has been writing columns and reviews for the quarterly "Artysta i Sztuka" and travel texts for the monthly "Poznaj Świat"; he also published reviews and texts about art in the quarterly "Bliza". In 2016, he published the album "Marcin Kołpanowicz − Malarstwo/Painting" with an introduction by Grzegorz Górny and the book "Ziemia św. Charbela” (AA publishing house).
Obrazy Kołpanowicza „zagrały” w serialu TVP Siedlisko w reż. Janusza Majewskiego (Anna
Dymna malowała „latający parowóz” Kołpanowicza), pojawiły się na okładkach książek
( „Kielich” Waldemara Łysiaka, „Brulion paryski” Arkadiusza Pacholskiego,
„Festung Europa” Moniki Bartoszewicz, „Znak miłości” Marka Sołtysika, „Notatki i
sny” Elżbiety Zechenter-Spławińskiej oraz licznych tomików poetyckich). Obrazy
Kołpanowicza były także zamieszczane w podręcznikach gimnazjalnych i
licealnych, wykorzystane przy pytaniach maturalnych w 2018 r., publikowane na plakatach
University of California w Berkeley. Kołpanowicz zaprojektował szereg plakatów, do
koncertów chopinowskich w Antoninie, koncertów jazzowych w Kaliszu i Star
Jazz Festival 2018 w Hamburgu. Artysta zrealizował Drogę Krzyżową w kościele św.
Katarzyny Aleksandryjskiej w Tenczynku k. Krakowa, obraz beatyfikacyjny siostry Marty
Wieckiej w Śniatyniu (Ukraina) oraz obraz ołtarzowy i fresk w Centrum św. Jana Pawła II
„Nie lękajcie się” w Krakowie-Łagiewnikach. Od 2008 r. Kołpanowicz plasuje się w
pierwszej pięćdziesiątce najlepszych polskich malarzy w rankingu „Kompas
Sztuki” publikowanym przez dziennik „Rzeczpospolita”. W 2000 r. otrzymał honorowe
wyróżnienie na Biennale Pasteli w Nowym Sączu, w 2003 r. Nagrodę Publiczności na
Biennale Ilustracji w Bratysławie. W 2019 r. został wyróżniony odznaką honorową
„Zasłużony dla Kultury Polskiej”, w 2020 r. Orderem św. Stanisława i Medalem Roku św.
Jana Pawła.
Obok malarstwa Marcin Kołpanowicz zajmuje się działalnością literacką i publicystyczną: od
2012 r. pisze felietony i recenzje do kwartalnika „Artysta i Sztuka” oraz teksty
podróżnicze do miesięcznika „Poznaj Świat”; publikował także recenzje i teksty o sztuce w
kwartalniku „Bliza”. W 2016 r. wydał album „Marcin Kołpanowicz − Malarstwo/Painting” ze
wstępem Grzegorza Górnego oraz książkę „Ziemia św. Charbela” (wydawnictwo AA).
Artistic approach:
Marcin Kołpanowicz practices metaphorical oil and pastel painting, in which he combines uninhibited imagination, poetic metaphor and a paradoxical sense of humour.
Selected individual exhibitions:
- 1987 - The Other World Gallery in Krakow
- 1988 - NCK Gallery in Krakow
- 1989 - Gallery No. 4 in Krakow
- 1992 - Inter Art Galerie Reich in Cologne
- 1992 - Stara Galeria in Krakow
- 1994 - Galleries Pont Neuf in Paris
- 1995 - Osorya Gallery in Krakow
- 1996 – Inter Art Galerie Reich in Cologne
- 1996 − Wiesinger Galerie in Linz
- 1997 - Poly-Print Galleries in Wuppertal
- 1999 - Krypta Gallery at Piarist in Krakow
- 2000 – Villa Decius in Krakow
- 2000 − Palace Gallery in Krakow
- 2001 – Vauxhall Palace in Krzeszowice
- 2001 – Kunst und Kultur Center in Aschau
- 2002 – Inter Art Galerie Reich in Cologne
- 2005 - Vincentian Fathers in New York
- 2013 – Na Wprost Gallery in Iława
- 2014 – Tower of Art Gallery in Kielce
- 2014 - "The Four Horsemen of Surrealism: Beksiński, Jaśnikowski, Kołpanowicz, Olbiński", 2nd
- Art Fair in Krakow
- 2017 – "Fantastische Welten" Galeria De La Tour in Klagenfurt
- 2022 – “Two Gentlemen Pingo” (together with Krzysztof Izdebski-Cruz), Senator building, Warsaw
Major collective exhibitions:
- 2003 – International Biennale of Illustrations in Bratislava
- 2009 – "Dante - The Divine Commedy" in Saeby (Denmark) and Viechtach (Germany)
- 2009 – "Polish Surrealists", Municipal Gallery in Płock
- 2010 – INTER ART International Painting Salon. in Cologne
- 2011 – International exhibition of magical realism “Light Fantastic”, Roosen Gallery in St. Truiden (Belgium)
- 2011 − “Sky Fleet”, Focus gallery in Warsaw
- 2011 − “Magical Dreams” (Szczyrk – Turin – Kołobrzeg – Włocławek)
- 2011 − "Apelles Group", Millennium Hall in Rzeszów
- 2012 – "Polen in Bayern" in Wolnzach (Germany)
- 2013 – "Grupa Apellesa", DAP gallery in Warsaw
- 2013 - International exhibition "Art Ambassadors", DAP gallery in Warsaw
- 2013 – "Magical Dreams II" (Szczyrk - Kołobrzeg - Włocławek - Viechtach)
- 2014 – exhibition SAFADORE – Dali's heirs in Le Mont-Dore, France
- 2015 – "Magical Dreams III" (Szczyrk, Wrocław, Warsaw, Viechtach)
- 2016 – “Above the event horizon”, Quantum gallery in Warsaw
- 2017 - "Metamorfoza", Śródmieście Cultural Center in Gdańsk
- 2017 − "Art Capital - Salon", Grand Palais in Paris
- 2017 − "In Search of Beauty", Jacek Malczewski Museum in Radom
- 2017 − Exhibition accompanying the Wrocław Social Congress, "Depot" in Wroclaw
- 2018 - "Independent Sovereign" in Bialystok
- 2018 – “Safadore”, a review of European Surrealism in Le Mont Dore (France)
- 2020 - "Reflection of Mystery" (Diocesan Museum in Kielce, Museum "Ochorowiczówka" in Wisła, John Paul II Museum of Coins and Medals in Częstochowa, Kashubian Philharmonic in Wejherowo, Rembieliński Palace in Warsaw, Municipal Gallery in Wrocław)